
The Brain Thief by hollimichele
Excellent future fic starring Corporal Young Sam, his oldest friends, his new girlfriend and, oh yeah, a serial killer. Very well-done Discworld voice, complete with DEATH and footnotes.

Carrying A Concealed Weapon (and other crimes to commit while being Adora Belle Dearheart) by Netgirl_y2k
"Adora Belle is arrested; Lady Sybil is there to help, or at least there to make the tea." Brilliantly snarky and funny, perfect Adora. (Yes, there are footnotes.)

Exit Interviews by Casira
Any story centering around Miss Susan guarantees I'll at least try it. When it's a well-written story worked nicely into continuity (such as it is), and with a deft touch for Susan's not-uncomplicated character, I'm delighted. Death and Death of Rats both make an appearance in this neat, thoughtful little piece.

East of Eden by Shati
Cain and Abel have some strange babysitters. Lunatic, thought-provoking, grim and ineffable in the very best Gaiman/Pratchett style.

Mister Vimes'd Go Spare! by Lunik
Some people leave a legacy far beyond anything they imagined... or feared. :) Sam Vimes is watching.

Not a Cat Person by googlebrat
Tiffany gave Granny Weatherwax a kitten, even though Esme isn't a cat person. No. Definitely not. Uh-uh.

Not Always by Miss Yetigoosecreature
Sam and Sybil's "courtship". Sam is just about exactly as incompetant as you'd think. Poor Sam.

A Place in the Mind by deskclutter
Tiffany visits Ankh-Morpork and Preston.

Queen of the Cats by Gehayi
Young Sam discovers suspicious goings-on that will cause two parts of the Discworld to collide. I almost want to call this a crossover even though it's all Discworld, since we've never seen these two titans face off (they do so brilliantly). :)

The Uninvited Guest by akamarykate
Death wasn't cut out to be a godparent. Nor was Mistress Weatherwax.