Spoiler Rules
Spoiler rules are as follows:
A spoiler notation in the header and spoiler space must be used for:
1. Any *solid* information posted before an episode airs. ("Solid"
meaning the TV Guide description, any information released from reputable sources, etc. Your uncle's cousin's best friend's belief that Spike and Willow will make it by the end of the season doesn't count.)
2. Any discussion of the current Buffy episode before it ends Pacific time. Standard Buffy airing for the U.S. is Tuesdays, 9-10 PM PST (You're all big kids and passed basic arithmetic, right? If you can't convert to your own timezone from the ListMoms', email me privately and I'll help. :-)
3. Same spoiler rules apply to Angel, which follows right after at 10-11 PM PST.
Or, as List Mom Dianne puts it:
#1> LaListMom is living heavily spoiler-free, so expect her wrath on your heads if you babble out-of-spoiler-protection before the Tuesday night airing.
#2> However immediately afterwards-- as soon as the Buffy airing starts PST (that's 8pm pac\ 9mountan\ 10central\ 11east) and all of the last little SunS should be planted firmly in front of their TVs and not reading the list-- it's not only our priveledge, but our *duty* to babble as much as possible about both eps!
Any info not generally known from previews/commercials/promos is spoiler-protected until the ep has finished airing (per the above).
Spoiler spaces are *not* needed for:
1. Discussion of what is seen in promos for the next week.
2. Any speculation that does not rely on spoiler information. (This is what your uncle's cousin's best friend's theory goes under.)
3. Any discussion of an already-aired episode Wednesday to Monday.
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer and all associated characters are copyright by Mutant Enemy Inc. and UPN. This page is not associated with any official entity and exists for entertainment purposes only.