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Date: Thurs, 8 June 2000 17:03 PST To: wrosenb@ucs.edu From: queenc@lanet.com Subject: Question Hey Willow, Can you ask Giles how to get demon slime out of silk? Angel doesn't know, and if this skirt is ruined, I'm going to make him buy me a new one. < shudder > I hate demons, I really, really do. Wesley said to tell Giles that it was a Koransha demon; I guess that's supposed to be significant. Whatever. This was the third one in three days and, except for the purple part, he was pretty much like every other demon we've killed. Mondo bad personality, though -- he had this thing about eating virgins, with ketchup. :P Never thought I'd be grateful to the demon-pondscum-who-shall-not-be-named Uh-oh. Angel just came in and he's got crisis face. An office administrator's work is never done, even when there's no more office. I'll talk to you later -- don't forget to ask Giles about the slime thing! Cordelia
Date: Thurs, 8 June 2000 17:23 PST Hi Cordy! I called Giles and he says getting ichor out of silk takes magic -- literally. The silk has special properties that combine with the demonic stuff in the slime and... Too much information, right? Anyway, Giles promised he'd tell me and Tara where to look for a spell, but it has to wait, cause we've got the crisis thing happening here, too. Demons everywhere for three days now... Giles and Riley both think it's just the backlash from the Initiative going away last month, the demon types getting all brave and scary again. But there sure are a lot of them. Oh, Giles says to tell Wesley to make sure he buried the Koransha demon's hands somewhere far away from its head, or it'll dig itself up. Ick. Willow
Date: Thurs, 8 June 2000 17:28 PST to tell you to make sure that you buried the Koransha demon's hands somewhere away from its head, or it'll dig itself up. Gotta go with Willow on this one: ick. And Angel said to tell you we need you at my place like, now; there's some new and fun Big Evil stalking the streets of LA, I guess. And can you pick up some pizza on the way in? All veggie, all the time. Cordelia
Date: Thurs, 8 June 2000 17:43 PST Cordelia, I know perfectly well how to bury a Koransha demon; Angel and I did it last night while you were fussing about slime on your clothing. And I'm on my way over; I was doing research at the downtown library on the prophecy Angel and I stumbled across last week. May I suggest Chinese instead of pizza? Angel winces whenever we breathe garlic in his direction and I'm starting to feel a bit guilty about it. Wesley
Date: Thurs, 8 June 2000 17:47 PST Sure, Chinese, Thai, whatever. Just get here. Angel's in the living room pacing and muttering, and you *know* what that means. Overtime and then some. I mean it, one of these days I'm going to go find a real job. Cordelia
Date: Thurs, 8 June 2000 18:03 PST Will, can you tell Giles I'm gonna be late for the Scooby meeting? I got the message, but I've got a job interview at Starbucks. I'm gonna be Coffee Man! Xand
Date: Thurs, 8 June 2000 18:15 PST Willow, Angel wants me to ask you to ask Giles about something called the Prophecy of Adara. Why he can't just pick up the phone and ask himself, I have no idea, but whatever. Wesley's supposed to be doing the research, but he's late, he's not answering his cell phone, and he's got the food. If he doesn't get here soon, I'm going to go hunt him down and hurt him. There's nothing worse than cold Chinese. Are there any databases better than Demons, Demons, Demons? Cause I'm coming up empty. Riley? That's Captain Farmboy, right, Buffy's new squeeze? Is he an official Scooby Ganger now, or what? Cordelia
Date: Thurs, 8 June 2000 18:22 PST Giles, Cordy sent this; sounds like she and Angel have found some trouble again. I thought L.A. would be nice and peaceful, no Hellmouth and all. I'm really glad now I didn't go to UCLA. Oh, and Xander's going to be late to the meeting -- job interview! And I'm leaving now. < forwarded message follows >
Date: Thurs, 8 June 2000 18:39 PST Cordelia, Please tell Angel that the Prophecy of Adara was written down sometime in the fifth century AD, by a monk in Florence, Italy. It concerns the rise of a demon who shall, if I remember the quote correctly, "draw on all the powers and denizens of Hell" to end the world. Another demon ending the world -- how original. If he needs more information, I can locate it, but we've got a bit of a problem up here, so it will take time. I do recommend the Vers Marcaban to begin with, if he has a copy. By the way, have you any information on how Faith is doing?
Sincerely, P.S. Captain Farmboy? Really, Cordelia, you haven't even met the man. Not that it's an entirely inappropriate nickname....
Date: Thurs, 8 June 2000 19:02 PST Thanks for the info, Giles; Angel has his nose buried in the Vers thingie as we speak. He's making faces, this can't be good. I bet I lose more clothes... Any word on that anti-sliming spell? I don't know about Faith since I kind of try to avoid the subject after she punched me and tortured Wesley and stuff like that. Angel's not exactly talking to Kate -- they're not really what you'd call close since she found out about the whole "grr" thing. If he doesn't know, I'll ask her. I didn't think you'd care too much about Dark Slayer after what she did up in Sunnydale and all. Captain Farmboy is what Angel called him one time, when he was both being bitter *and* talking about it. It was a red-letter day. I marked it in the calendar. Oh, and Wesley got snotty and said he buried the hands. Cordelia
Date: Thurs, 8 June 2000 19:17 PST Hi Kate, I don't know if you want to talk to anyone associated with Angel anymore, but a friend of ours wanted to know about Faith -- you know, Jr. Psycho Girl that you arrested Angel over a couple months ago? How is she doing? Wasn't she supposed to be transferred somewhere? Oh, look, Angel just came out of his cave. He wants to know if there've been any suspicious deaths in the last couple days. More suspicious that usual, he means, like with blood and entrails and sacrifices and stuff. Wow, don't we have the best job? :P He'd ask you himself, but I think he's scared you'll try to stake him over the phone, and we really need to know. He says.
Date: Thurs, 8 June 2000 19:19 PST Ooo, the fun never stops in LA. Funny, when I moved here I thought Sunnydale was what was going to be nice and peaceful. :) Wills, tell that Xander that, if he waits, Riley and I will meet him after his interview and give him an escort back to Giles' place. There's too many demons, I don't want anyone walking around alone for a while. But phrase it some way that doesn't bruise his macho, k? And I am SO going to hurt Cordy for that Captain Farmboy crack. Buffy
Date: Thurs, 8 June 2000 19:31 PST Hello Cordelia, Your friend Faith was transferred to a mid-level security facility last week; it was the best her PD could do, even with her medical records. She seems to be doing all right, from what her reports say. As for bodies... I shouldn't tell you any of this, and I would really like to know why Angel always knows when there are bodies. Or do I really have to ask? But yes, we've had something like ten 'x-files' deaths, as they're starting to call them around here, in the last three days, and they're starting to come in faster. And most of them have landed on my desk, since I seem to have become the investigator of all things Evil. How wonderful. It's mutilations, mostly, happening at all hours of the day and night; they haven't hit the papers yet, but I'm waiting. Then the commissioner and the mayor will start screaming and it'll come down on me. No sign of the lovely ritual sacrifices or any kind of consistent victim pattern or MO. What do you people know that I don't?
Det. K. Lochley
Date: Thurs, 8 June 2000 19:35 PST Hey Giles, Just talked to Kate and she says Faith is fine, got transferred to somewhere medium-hard to break out of and didn't maim anyone in the process. Angel's pacing and muttering again, people are dying in messy demon ways, gotta go. Cordelia
Date: Thurs, 8 June 2000 19:36 PST Where are you? If you're still at the library, I swear, I'm gonna come drag you out by your tie!
Date: Thurs, 8 June 2000 19:52 PST Hi Cordelia, I'm at Giles' now; did he get back to you about the prophecy? He says he did, but he's still not happy with the whole email thing; he swears AOL swallows his messages on purpose. I'm beginning to regret giving him and Buffy and Xander screen names on my account. And no, DDD is about the best database out there, for what that's worth. I swear, I'm going to start one myself one of these days, just to fill in all of the gaps. I bet I've seen more demons up close and personal than those guys ever have. :(
Captain Farmboy?
Date: Thurs, 8 June 2000 20:01 PST
I realize you and Buffy both have evening classes this summer (and if that's not where you are, please don't tell me), but I wanted to know if you or anyone else from your old group have managed to salvage any of the Initiative's records. This sudden upsurge in demon sightings is beginning to worry me. Please give me a call or respond via email before you go on patrol if you can offer any assistance.
Thank you,
Date: Thurs, 8 June 2000 20:02 PST
Yes, Giles wrote back and no, the mean nasty demons of the Internet didn't eat it. Or is that not funny, after the whole Moloch thingie?
And I like the idea of starting your own database. You could sell advertising from the magic shops, or get the Watcher Council to advertise job openings. Slayer personal ads?
Sorry, I'm being bitchy. Wesley's not back yet and Angel's starting to get worried. So am I. He's'jaah
Date: Thurs, 8 June 2000 20:05 PST
Cordelia? I got your last message but the end was all garbled. Can you resend?
Date: Thurs, 8 June 2000 20:33 PST
I'm okay, Will, but things just got bad here. I, um... I had a vision. Wow, that looks even stupider written than it does when you say it out loud. I kind of hit my head against the keyboard and it's the first time I've had one since... anyway, you guys need to watch out. I saw lots of demons, and none of them were doing anything really nice. I also saw Wesley. In trouble, of course, and he's barely healed from the last time; Angel's going after him now. I think I'm officially scared.
Will? Find Buffy and tell her to be careful. I saw her, too; whatever's happening here might decide to go cruising Sunnydale.
I have to talk to Kate again and find out more about the demon murders. Later.
Date: Thurs, 8 June 2000 20:47 PST
Hi Kate,
I couldn't get you on the phone; you know, your switchboard is really rude. No wonder the LAPD's image is so bad.
Anyway, thanks for the information; we don't know anything you don't yet, I swear. Can you tell me more about the murders? And I'm thinking you might want to see if there were any similar murders anywhere around in the last three days. A friend of mine said there were some bad things happening Sunnydale lately.
Date: Thurs, 8 June 2000 20:52 PST
We tried to call, but your phone was busy. Are you all right? I understand from Angel that these visions are not wholly... pleasant. And after your experience a few weeks ago, I'm a bit concerned.
What, exactly, did you see about Buffy? Did you see Sunnydale specifically? Or was she in Los Angeles? She should be on patrol now, but if the situation is that dire, I'm sure we can be there in a few hours.
Date: Thurs, 8 June 2000 21:07 PST
Giles, I'm fine, I promise, and I don't think the cavalry needs to come running. Yet. I'm sure Angel's going to be back with Wesley any time now, and if we can keep him and Buffy out of the same city, that'd be good. I always expect things to start exploding whenever they're within about ten miles of each other. Is there a minimum safe distance for bad breakups?
Date: Thurs, 8 June 2000 21:13 PST
Got your message. No, we didn't manage to rescue much of anything from the lab; the demons trashed most of it, and the government clean-up crew took care of the rest. But from what Graham and the others have said, I don't think many demons escaped that night, and most of the population of Sunnydale's sewers must have been in the containment facilities.
So yeah, I am pretty curious about where all of these guys are coming from; some of them are the nastiest I've seen, for what that's worth. We're hearing a lot of sirens tonight, so Buffy and I are heading out on patrol early. We'll stop by your place in a few hours for an update, and Buffy has her pager if anything goes really wrong.
Oh, and Buffy says hi.
Date: Thurs, 8 June 2000 21:33 PST
All right, Cordelia, we'll remain here for the moment. It's probably best that we do, in fact, as things seem to be escalating. Police reports have begun flooding in; it's all Willow can do to keep up with them. Buffy and Riley are doing what they can, but Riley is considering contacting some of his friends from the Initiative, or what remains of it; it seems as if we may need all of the hands we can get.
Ask Angel to contact me as soon as possible; I have a theory, but I need to know what is happening in the other cities to be sure.
Date: Thurs, 8 June 2000 21:54 PST
You were right. As near as I can tell, the same murderers are happening in six cities, including LA and Sunnydale. Funny thing; when I looked on the map, they formed a star, with your Sunnydale in the center. I really love how all of the Evil Things always wind up centering around someone you two know.
I'll fax you the map so you and Angel can take a look. Let me know what you think ASAP; our calls are starting to pick up. Three reports in the last hour.
A couple of people are starting to say serial killer or cult, but it's not, is it? What's going on? How do we stop it? Call me; I'll tell the switchboard to put you right through.
Date: Thurs, 8 June 2000 22:08 PST
Giles? I'm starting to get really freaked, here. Kate, Angel's police contact, just faxed me a map of where a bunch of murders have been happening. Five different cities, plus Sunnydale, all of them the kind of messy demon-type bloody stuff we all know and love. She said they were laid in a star, but I'm thinking pentagram is a better description -- you know, that five-pointed thing? Upside down, so the center is on Sunnydale, and the bottom point is on LA. I'm thinking that's bad, right? And she says they're starting to get more calls, faster. That's worse, right?
Angel and Wesley aren't back yet, and they haven't called. Either Angel forgot about his cell phone again, or.... I'm really getting scared.
I have to call Kate. Tell Buffy to watch her back.
Date: Thurs, 8 June 2000 22:19 PST
Don't you people ever get off the phone? Xander was supposed to call me after his interview and I haven't heard from him. Tell him to call me when he gets there; I want to know how it went. And I want him to come home. Is it just me or is it getting scary out there?
Date: Thurs, 8 June 2000 22:21 PST
Got your fax and your email. Angel's not here; he went out to find Wesley. I'll tell him to call you as soon as he gets back. Your switchboard is jammed; what's going on?
Date: Thurs, 8 June 2000 22:46 PST
Sorry, Cordelia, calling here isn't going to work for a while; the switchboard is completely flooded, and so is 911. We just found five more bodies; the entire city's been put on alert. Two of them were a few blocks from your apart
Cordelia? You're there alone? I'm going to send a black-and-white to do a drive-by; god knows there are enough of them in the area. We just got a report from the facility your friend Faith is being held at; something broke into her cell and tried to kill her. She's apparently all right, but I do *not* want you to leave that apartment! Stay inside, and tell Angel to call me as *soon* as he gets back or I'll arrest his butt for obstruction for real this time. I *mean* it!
Date: Thurs, 8 June 2000 22:54 PST
Giles, whatever's happening, it's getting bad fast. Kate said they've found five bodies and something broke into Faith's cell and went after her. Tell Buffy; if whatever it is was looking for a Slayer, something might decide she looks like nummy goodness!
Date: Thurs, 8 June 2000 23:00 PST
I'm sorry, I was just talking to Buffy. We've warned her and she's still with Riley; she should be relatively safe. Is Faith alive? Is she well?
We're having another problem up here, however; Xander seems to have wandered off somewhere. Don't worry, I'm sure we'll find him.
Stay inside and please keep in touch with your detective friend, even it means staying online. In fact, please try to check the other cities she sent you, and see what is happening there. Willow and I will be quite busy trying to track Angel's Prophecy of Adara; if I'm correct, "drawing on all the powers and denizens of Hell" may be quite literal... at any rate, please let us know whatever you find out. And have Angel call us immediately when he returns.
Date: Thurs, 8 June 2000 23:32 PST
Don't *think* I don't know that you're just trying to keep me busy. And get in line behind everyone else waiting for Angel to call them.
But I did check with the LAPD and some of the other police databases that Willow told me about, and I found something weird. I think the demon activity is spreading out from Sunnydale, like it's growing. I mean, it all started within about the same eight-hour block, three days ago, but it started a couple hours earlier in Sunnydale than in LA. So whatever it is, it's centered on you guys. As usual.
There's an awful lot of sirens out there; even the news has finally picked up on it. They interrupted regularly scheduled programming, which I know because is Dennis is getting twitchy and changing channels every five seconds. Nothing from Angel or Wesley yet. In ten more minutes, I'm talking Kate into putting out an APB and the hell with secret identities.
Date: Thurs, 8 June 2000 23:49 PST
Cordelia, get out of your apartment, find your policewoman friend and stay with her! The demons are on a sacrificial rampage, trying to build power; they'll be looking for the most powerful victims they can find and Angel almost certainly qualifies! They'll be looking for him, but they'll take whomever gets in their way!
Go now!!!!
Date: Thurs, 8 June 2000 23:50 PST
Help!!!! Demons!!!! My apartment!!! There's two of them I didn't let them in but they were in LAPD uniforms and I barely got the door closed and you're not answering your phone and i can't find angel and i think theyre going to break down the door please help
Date: Thurs, 8 June 2000 23:51 PST
Cordelia, I'm sending units RIGHT NOW! Get somewhere and hide until we're there!!!! Go!
Date: Thurs, 8 June 2000 23:57 PST
Cordelia, what's happening? Why haven't you answered my message? Turn on your blasted cell phone, and tell me where you are, or I'm calling 911 myself!
Date: Fri, 9 June 2000 00:03 PST
Cordelia! Talk to me, damn it! I'm leaving now, I'm on my way, answer me, you damn phone is still busy, pick up your cell phone, pick up your real phone, anything!
Date: Fri, 9 June 2000 00:16 PST
It's all right, Kate, Cordelia's all right. Wesley and I got back here before the demons got in. Two of them, ugly; the living room is a little trashed, but we'll take care of it. We're working with some friends to stop all of this; try and hold your ground for a little longer. Call my cell phone if you can; it's turned on now.
Date: Fri, 9 June 2000 00:18 PST
Things are going to hell down here, literally. I just pulled Wesley out of a line of human sacrifices; he's not hurt too badly, but those demons meant business. The ones still standing still do. Look, I think the Prophecy of Adara, Cordelia told you about it, is trying to carry itself out now. If all of these demons being driven insane by the same source -- and it's got to be an outside influence, I've never seen this kind of a massacre -- it's probably coming from the Hellmouth. Tell Buffy to go to the school; whatever's happening must be somewhere around there. And tell her to be careful -- the Slayer would give this thing a lot of power.
We're back at Cordelia's apartment and barricaded in; Cordelia is safe too, but the phone lines between here and Sunnydale are a mess. Try my cell or stick with email. And tell Buffy!
Date: Fri, 9 June 2000 00:34 PST
I got your message, Giles can't talk right now, we're working on a spell. He say that there's probably a focus in LA for whatever spell this whatever-it-is is casting on the Hellmouth, so if you attack one of its foci, you might be able to disrupt the spell enough to give Buffy and the rest of us a chance to stop it here. Giles says to look for the center of the killings; that'll be the focus.
You have to hurry, Angel -- I think we're running out of time. And we still can't find Xander. We have to start the spell in less than an hour. Hurry!
Date: Fri, 9 June 2000 00:38 PST
Wesley here. Angel's already left to try to find your focus; Cordelia and I are attempting to pin it down. Det. Lochley has been and gone; we're going to attempt to contact her by phone to help Angel. He'll call us as soon as he's located the focus -- please stay close to your computer or to a phone for as long as possible.
What spell are you working on? Can we lend any other assistance from here?
Date: Fri, 9 June 2000 00:51 PST
I'm glad you're okay; Cordelia was starting to get really worried about you two. She's okay, right? Anyway, Tara and I are working on the spell, and Giles says we'll wait as long as we can before we cast it. It's supposed to cast a Ring of Octroi, a impervious shield over a small area, hopefully big enough and strong enough to cut the Hellmouth off from the energy that's coming in from the demons, but we have to be *at* the Hellmouth to cast it. It'd work better if we could find Xander, since we've cast spells with him before, but Tara will do okay, and Anya's going to meet us to help. I think she's really scared about Xander.
Giles says you and Cordy can help by helping Angel, and staying out of the line of fire. And if you can find anything more about this Prophecy of Adara -- like, oh, ways to stop it -- that'd be kinda really useful. And let us know the *second* Angel finds that focus!
Date: Fri, 9 June 2000 01:25 PST
Cordelia just spoke to Det. Lochley; she caught up with Angel and they managed to narrow the killing sites down to a small area where the first bodies are believed to have originated. If this is the focus, we'll know soon. Angel would like to know how best to disrupt the spell; it's not precisely my area of expertise.
Date: Fri, 9 June 2000 01:29 PST
Giles says that killing the person casting the spell usually works really well, if it's a person. It might be a thing, and you could break that. Giles also says to tell Angel and Det. Lochley to do it from a distance, if they can; the mystical backlash could be pretty bad.
No word from Buffy yet, and no word from Xander. Anya's here; we're leaving in ten minutes.
Date: Fri, 9 June 2000 01:37 PST
They've got it, Will! Angel's on the cell phone, he says to tell you that it looks like there's a bunch of demons in robes chanting around some kind of crystal thingy, and it's glowing. Like, a lot. He wants to know whether to kill the demons first or focus on breaking the crystal thingy. Answers now, please!
Date: Fri, 9 June 2000 01:38 PST
Break the crystal. Do it now. Then pray.
Date: Fri, 9 June 2000 01:56 PST
Giles? He broke it. He and Kate killed all the demons, but Kate got hurt. Angel's taking her to the hospital, I think; his cell phone went out. People are still dying, Giles, I can still hear the sirens. What's happening? Talk to us.
Date: Fri, 9 June 2000 02:22 PST
Wesley's all patched up -- I swear, I'm getting so good at this I should be a paramedic or something. He got a little beat-up, but he didn't reopen any stiches. They needed sacrifices in good shape, apparently; Faith did a better job on him than they did. Did you know Watchers make good demonic eats? Or did you not want to know that? Or does it have something to do with the "Please hit me" signs both of you are always wearing?
What's going on, Giles? Willow? Would one of you please talk to me? We're going crazy here.
Date: Fri, 9 June 2000 02:34 PST
I hate waiting. I've decided. I'm moving back to Sunnydale where I can be in the middle of everything instead of hiding out in my apartment. I don't care if I get killed, I can't stand this. Angel's not back yet, I don't know about Kate, Wesley's pacing and you guys won't TALK TO ME!
Date: Fri, 9 June 2000 02:46 PST
It's been almost an hour. The sirens are starting to taper off and the news says the killings have almost stopped. Is that good? Are you all right?
Did you find Xander?
Giles? Willow?
Date: Fri, 9 June 2000 03:14 PST
It's all right, Cordelia, it's over. We've got Xander, he's safe, we're all safe. Tell Angel it's over. More in a moment, after people stop bleeding on my carpet.
It's all right, Cordelia. It's over.
Date: Fri, 9 June 2000 03:18 PST
Geez! Took you guys long enough to let us know! Who's bleeding? Did the spell get broken? Are the demons going to go back to being nice, tame, only occasionally psychotic things?
Details, Giles! What happened? Who got hurt? Give!
Date: Fri, 9 June 2000 03:33 PST
Hi, this is Tara. We haven't met yet, but everyone else is kind of busy. Um, Xander, Buffy and Giles all got hurt, but Xander mostly just got knocked around, like your friend Wesley. He tried to save someone from a demon on his way to his job interview, and she got away, but they grabbed him. His head is bleeding some, but he's mostly complaining about missing the interview and how his good slacks got torn up. Anya is cooing over him a lot and Willow keeps looking like she's going to be sick. It's kind of funny.
Buffy and Riley are both pretty bruised, and Riley got bitten, but Giles already found the preventive spell for that kind of demon (a Lantan demon, which Willow says is *very* nasty) and we're going to cast it as soon as she and I are recovered. The spell we cast took a lot out of us!
Oh, here's Willow.
Hi Cordy!
Tell Angel whatever he did, it worked really well. The demon guy working the spell -- he looked human, I swear, just the ears were funny -- was all set to hit this big climax, and then one of the stones (he had five of them, arranged like the cities, you know? Mystical convergences and all) just exploded, which must have been when Angel destroyed the one in LA, and the guy freaked. So Giles and Tara and I cast our spell and cut off his power, and Anya slipped in and got Xander and the others out through what used to be the back door of the library, and Buffy and Riley kicked some demon ass. Riley got to kill the Big Bad, and Buffy was pouting about it all the way home, so he had to promise her he'd let her kill the next one. Sometimes, I just don't understand them. But at least they have the same hobbies.... :)
Uh-oh, spell time for Riley before he starts turning green and scaly or something. How's Angel, and your friend Kate? Oh, and Xander says hi, and to please stop sending nasty things up from LA; we have enough of our own. I'll smack him for you if you want.
Date: Fri, 9 June 2000 03:50 PST
God yes, smack him hard -- um, somewhere where he's not bleeding. You guys scared me! But good job kicking demon tail; I wish I'd been there for it. Wait -- no, I don't. Things were enough fun here, trust me. Did Giles tell you about the two demons trying to break our door down? Or the way Dennis blocked the door and wouldn't let them in? Or the one I got with a crossbow? I swear, that thing is going to live in my living room *permanently*, from now on.
Angel just called. The cells are still messed up -- Angel said something about ethereal energy messing with the transmissions. Whatever -- but the jamming on the landlines is going down; fewer people freaking, I guess. Anyway, Kate's in the Emergency Room still, but it was just a bad cut on her arm and a hit on the head. She's probably gonna be fine. Wesley's looking up the demon that cut her now, to make sure we don't have to do anything mystical.
I think Angel got hurt, too, but it's probably not too bad. He'll be back home as soon as Kate's taken care of -- or at sunrise, whichever comes first -- and I'll patch him up then. I'm getting good at it. Maybe we should start a clinic instead of a demon database.
Xander had a job interview? What for, fry chef?
Date: Fri, 9 June 2000 04:27 PST
Fry chef is close; Xander's interview was for Starbucks. He says to tell you it's a very high-class job, a springboard for better things. Then he made some comment about secretaries that I'm not supposed to repeat to you. :)
We cast the spell on Captain Farmboy and he's fine. He really hates magick, though. Giles was yelling at him for taking stupid chances (he got between Giles and the demon right before the demon could bite Giles; *I* don't think it was a stupid chance) and let the nickname slip. He's not telling where it came from, though, so Angel is safe. Buffy thinks it's funny. Riley doesn't. :)
Everyone's ready to collapse, but no one's moving. I think we're all waiting to make sure the sun comes up. Again.
Tara says she hopes Wesley and Kate and Angel are okay. Did you get hurt? Oh, and I keep meaning to ask: you chose Angel's screenname for him, didn't you?
Date: Fri, 9 June 2000 04:43 PST
I am *not* a secretary, I'm a... Well, I don't know what I am, but I'm not a secretary! Tell Xander he'd better run, because the next time I see him....
Anyway, I'm fine; I got a little banged up when the two demons raided my place, but Wesley fixed it. I don't even need stitches. And Kate is going to be fine; we don't have to spellcast, which will make her *way* happy. You think *Riley* hates magick? He ought to meet Kate.
And here's Angel, finally! Yup, he's bleeding. I'm going to go patch him up, then I think we're going to do the sunrise thing, too. Then I'm going to go into my room, lock the door, and let Dennis take care of me for about three days. And yes, I did choose Angel's screenname for him. :) Seems pretty appropriate, don't you think? He only complained until I pointed out the possible alternatives...
Tell Buffy I said she did pretty good. Talk to you in the morning. Later in the morning.
Date: Fri, 9 June 2000 14:21 PST
Hi Cordy -- isn't it cool how, after a fight to the death, little things like the sun coming up are so neat? Almost makes the fight to the death worth it! Well, that and sleeping all day afterwards.
Buffy says "thanks for the faint praise" and she and Riley both said to tell Angel and the others thanks for their help. I think Riley hurt himself trying to say the part about thanking Angel; I'm pretty sure he's figured out where "Captain Farmboy" came from. :)
We've been watching the news from LA; the cops there aren't as good at denial as the Sunnydale police, are they? Or at least, they don't do cover-ups as well. Gang violence and hallucinogenic drugs? Please. Snyder could do better than that in his sleep.
Are you coming back to Sunnydale soon? We haven't seen you since you left last year, and after last night, and the Adam thing a few weeks ago, I'm kind of feeling the urge to have as many people in sight as possible.
Date: Fri, 9 June 2000 15:47 PST
To the Staff of Angel Investigations:
I wanted to thank the three of you for your assistance in yesterday's crisis. Your intervention made a crucial difference, and in all likelihood saved many lives, possibly even the world as we know it. Well done, all of you.
Cordelia -- allow me to reiterate Willow's invitation to come home to Sunnydale. We've recently had rather a hard lesson in letting friends slip away, and I believe it would do everyone good to be reunited for a time.
Wesley -- the invitation, of course, extends to you as well. We would be pleased to see you again, and I have many questions for you about the Prophecy of Adara.
Angel -- while I cannot invite you back, for obvious reasons, I am truly grateful for your intervention in this horror story. Please pass our thanks and respects along to Detective Lochley, as well, and our wishes for a speedy recovery.
Date: Fri, 9 June 2000 15:59 PST
Hi Cordelia,
One of the guys from the department brought me a laptop to work on my reports. I can't tell the truth, of course, even if I knew what it was and, as usual, you three don't seem about to tell me. But I had two questions for you.
1) Are you all right? Angel said you managed to hold off the, um, Evil Things, until he and Mr. Wyndham-Pryce got there, but I wanted to hear it from you. Call me at the hospital, would you?
2) Who is Rupert Giles, and why did he send me flowers from Sunnydale?
Date: Fri, 9 June 2000 17:01 PST
I just got off the phone with Kate; she said that the LAPD is really good at denial, actually. By this time next week, they'll have convinced themselves all over again that there's no such thing as demons. And Angelenos... Well, let's just say that it'll take weirder than this to even make them blink. Kate says a bunch of demons set up a sidewalk buffet on the Venice boardwalk, practically, and no one blinked except a couple of rollerbladers that they grabbed. The Muscle Beach crowd just slam-dunked them into the pavement, then everyone went back to the beach. I kind of wish I'd been there to see that.
I don't know about coming back to Sunnydale, even though Giles' invitation was really sweet (and so was sending flowers to Kate -- is that classy or what?!); Angel thinks it's a good idea, but he's still feeling guilty about me being alone when those demons tried to break in. Yeah, right. I don't really want to leave him alone, and we're getting a lot of business cleaning up the left-over demon badness, but I do want to meet Captain Farmboy. And I'd kind of like to see you guys, too.
I don't know. Ask me in a couple of days.
By the way, did Giles ever figure out the slime-out-of-silk thing? If I come and bring the skirt along, can you fix it?
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Notes Thanks to Lizbet for catching a boo-boo, and to everyone at MediaWestCon*20 who stopped to read and giggle. |