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From Elizabeth What if there hadn't been a senior staff meeting for Sam to rush off to and the President hadn't walked in?
'Bartlet's Third' Challenge B
'The Portland Trip' Challenge
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From Elizabeth 1. Where did Ainsley get the FBI sweatshirt? 2. What would happen if Sam decided to skip the correspondent's dinner and follow Ainsley to Smith to hear the ERA debate? 3. Were Sam & Ainsley really late because he spilled coffee (twice)?
Never Surprise a Man Carrying Hot Beverages... ![]()
From Trish I'd like to challenge everyone to write about what S/A did on their summer vacations. It can be anything from going home, going to the beach, not taking a vacation & being stuck in the office, to dealing w/ the President's MS and/or responding to subpeonas. Even if you aren't a "writer" give it a try. No one will ridicule you. It's fun. Please? I want new stuff to read.
Ice Cream Beneath the Stars ![]()
From Trish OK, since only one person seemed to want to tell me what Sam & Ainsley were doing on their summer vacations - - thanks Marta!, maybe we should try a less cliched, more cerebral challange. In the spririt of BiPartisanship, write a story using as many words that begin with the pre-fix "bi" as possible. For example: bicycle, bipolar, bisexual, biceps, bicentennial, bifurcate etc. Get out those dictionaries & lets make this list more lively! Please?
Got a challenge? Want to respond to one? Send it to bipartisan@neon-hummingbird.com.
![]() Title A - F | Title G - M | Title N - Z | Challenges